This is a bridge at the Botanical Gardens in Asheville. It used to be one of my favorite bridges in the park and I used to shooting portraits on it. Over time it started to wear out and as of now it is blocked off.
It had been a while since I had been to the park, so I had to find a different way to cross the stream. I didn’t want to because the bridge was so much easier and more convenient, but no matter what, I had to pick another path.
At some point in our lives God blocks us from taking the path that seems easiest or fastest to us becuase although we can’t see it, it isn’t safe for us any longer. We can try out luck if we want, but eventually our “luck” will run out.
God then calls us to pick another path. One with Him leading the way. It may take longer and may even be scarier, but He will lead us to places that we never thought were possible.
Pray about the path you are on today, family. It might be time for God to block it off for you and lead you somewhere new.
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